Make $300-$1000/Day Trading Online From Home
We'll Prepare You To Pass The $250,000 Funded Account Challenge
Fall Semester Starts September 30, 2022

Write your awesome label here.

This Training Is For You if...

  • You're drowning in debt
  • You dream of giving up your stressful job
  • You want to work only 2 - 3 hours per day 
  • You want to live abroad and travel
  • You aren’t sure if you can retire comfortably
  • You have at least $2400 in savings

Take A Sneak Peak Inside Your Training 

A strategy built around core concepts and practical tools. Why does it work?
Write your awesome label here.
Classes start September 30th.  Don't wait to reserve your spot. They fill up fast.

Our Course Is Result Driven

Trading is exciting.  Ever wanted to try it?  Seems like everyone is rolling dice on their luck these days.  Don't take a chance with luck.   Instead, learn a proven strategy with a 90% WIN RATE.  We offer a robust training & coaching program just for beginner traders.  Our course is result driven.  It's all you'll need to finally gain your financial freedom.  When you take our 6-class, self-paced, e-mini course, we guaranteed you'll walk away with a powerful new skill that can never expire.
Class 1
Class 2
Class 3
Class 4
Class 5
Class 6

Trading Lingo 101

Every industry has its lingo, a language foreign to outsiders.  In this lesson, you'll learn:
  • The most popular trade terminology
  • Types of candles, charts, and indicators and more
  • The difference between Bear and Bull markets
You’ll finish this course with a richer vocabulary of trading lingo

Preferred Broker Set-Up

Not all brokers are created equal.  With money on the line, you depend on the tools within your broker's platform to give you an edge. In this lesson, you’ll learn:
  • Which broker we use and why
  • How to set up all the bells and whistles of your platform  
  • How to set up your simulated trading 
  • A very powerful duel chart layout using only your laptop
You’ll finish this lesson ready for live simulated trading

Trading Psychology 101

Remember your first schoolyard fight?  The surge of adrenalin that rushed through your body.  It's the same feeling you'll experience trading.  Your emotions will try to take over the experience.  In this lesson, you’ll learn:
  • Which emotions affect your trading 
  • Best practices to control your emotions
  • How to prepare to be in a trader's mindset
When you finish this lesson you'll be able to identify the emotions that affect your trading and how to master them.

Formula 409

Beginners Core Strategy

Trading successfully requires a certain level of processing the information you see on moving charts and making good decisions based on what you see. In this course, you’ll learn:
  • Our beginner's core strategy
  • The thought process before taking a trade
  • How to identify a winning setup
  • The apex and climax of an entry
  • When not to trade
  • The absolute must-have tools indicators
When you finish this course you'll be able to put our strategy into practice for yourself

Preferred Funding Partner

Many beginner traders still think they need their own money to trade. In this course, you’ll learn:
  • What are "funding partners"
  • Who our proffered partner is
  • Why we chose to use them
  • How to set up your funding partner account
  • The rules of the game
  • How to navigate those rules when you trade so that you don't blow your account
You’ll finish this course knowing the parameters by which you'll be trading


From PT to FT Day Trader

For many, the goal is to leave their 9-5 and transition into a comfortable laptop lifestyle. In this course, you’ll learn:
  • How to integrate day trading into your busy life even while working a full-time job
  • The best course of action to adopt to make your transition seamless
  • Setting up a realistic timeline to reach your goals 
You’ll finish this course with a solid plan of action that moves you closer to setting yourself free from the daily rat race and a road map to get there

Manage A $250,000 Funded Account

Hedge fund managers have large pension and retirement funds at their disposal to trade with.  Upon graduating our program, our FUNDING PARTNER will provided you with a $250,000 funded account that you can use to trade with.  Just like the market makers have access to other peoples money, similarly, you'll have access to our Funding Partner's money.  Visit our FAQ for more details.  

We will help you unlock your inner potential so you can excel and be a rock star from day one.

Pricing Plans

E-Mini Course
Beginners Core Strategy

Regular Price

    Includes the Formula 409 Beginners Core Strategy with an unprecedented 90% WIN RATE.

    Explore the community and connect with students just like yourself. Post questions. Get answers from instructors and student alike.

    Review the most recent recorded live trades posted by your instructors and with commentaries.  Sharpen your trading skills by studying these videos.

Coach Calls Live Q & A

Book Now

    Ask the questions you couldn't find answers to within the course content nor in the student community.

    You will be joined by ONLY 25 other students.  Classes are purposely small to give every attendee an opportunity to get their questions answered
Write your awesome label here.

Early Bird Bundle

$999  $699
  • Best Value


    On your trading journey you may need more than content to help you understand things.  Having direct access to your instructor can help you get through the learning curve much faster and with less stress. In this bundle, we start you off with 5 live coach call sessions (a $745 value) yours
    FREE as our gift to you.  Book a class whenever there's availability on our calendar.  They won't expire.

    Available only to students who enroll in Fall semester before September 30th. Use promo code
    EARLYBIRD2022 at checkout to redeem your savings.
All Purchases Come With A 14-Day Money Back Guarantee

Get $300 off regular course price &
5 live Coach Call  sessions FREE

Use promo code EARLYBIRD2022 at checkout to redeem this exclusive offer.  Only available to students who enroll for the Fall semester early.  
Use promo code:



 1.  Is the price for the Trade Wallet E-Mini Course all inclusive?

No. After you purchase the course, you will need    an additional $1400 in savings to cover the broker and funding partner account set-ups. You can save $300 by enrolling in the Fall semester early.

 2.  Why do I have to pay for the broker and funding partner separately?

The broker and funding partner are third party affiliates. Trade Wallet does not control their pricing. The instructions in our E-Mini Course are based on the services they provide. The broker is the platform where you will place your trades and practice in simulation mode. The funding partner grants you access to $250,000 once you pass their challenge. The Trade Wallet E-Mini Course teaches you a proven beginner’s strategy with a 90% win rate. You will need all three of these tools to be successful in our program. Paying for each element cannot be avoided. It would be far more expensive to bypass spending the $2400 start-up cost and try to do it a cheaper way.

 3.  I want to take the course, but I simply don’t have the money right now.

You don’t have to have the full $2400 right now. You need to pay for your training first. The next class doesn't start for several months. This will give you time to save up the remaining $1400. And even after the semester begins, you’re not setting up the funding partner account right away because you need to train in simulation mode until you become consistent. Setting up your broker account is FREE for the first 30 days and only $13/mo for the data feed after that, which you will need to continue practicing in simulation mode. So, right now, take advantage of our Early Bird Bundle. You'll save $300 by enrolling for Fall semester now. Many students mistake this promo as something that will be available year-long. We only offer it in the Fall once a year.

 4.  How do I know this is not a scam?

The strategy you will learn in our E-Mini Course took three years to develop. It has been tried and tested. We have dozens of positive reviews on social media and Trustpilot, the internet’s #1 source for customer reviews. Feel free to browse our social media pages and leave your own review about us with Trustpilot by clicking here.

 5.  How do I know I will be good at day trading?

You won’t until you try. It is better to do it under the guidance of our instructors than to do it on your own. You reading through these long-winded answers in our FAQ section says a lot about your desire to succeed at trading and your seriousness to find a model that fits your personality and current lifestyle. Day trading IS NOT a get-rich-quick scheme. It takes time to get good at it. If you have the tenacity to get through the learning curve, it can be extremely lucrative even trading for only 2-3 hours/day. You can start slow. Part-time now, later full-time, pacing yourself right on into retirement. It will be worth trying because the skill does not expire.

 6.  How long will it take me before I can trade live and start making money?

Everyone is different. Absorbing the course content depends greatly on how disciplined you are. One of our most important modules, Trade Psychology, identifies personality traits you may have which can get in the way of your success. You have to overcome them. Some people will train for only weeks before they’re ready. While others will take years. No one can guarantee when you’ll be ready. In our course, you’re instructed not to go live until you can consistently and confidently win 90% of your trades in simulation mode. Your readiness to make money will be based on whether you can win 9 out of 10 trades repeatedly.

 7.  Why train with Trade Wallet and not somewhere else?

Our students complete our course only when they can consistently win 9 out of 10 trades using our Formula 409 Beginner Strategy, which you can only find at Trade Wallet because we developed it. You will practice Formula 409 on our preferred broker platform in simulation mode until you become proficient at it. When you have proven you can win consistently, you will schedule your final exam with our Funding Partner, then pass the $250,000 funded account challenge.  Upon successfully passing your final exam, you will get access to a $250,000 account to trade with instead of your own money.  

Many courses just give you information, then, you’re on your own to put it into practice. There's no support.  We have live, weekly coach calls with our students. This is classroom time where we help you identify where you are weak and address where you can improve. You will be guided through the process.  No other training model is designed to teach you this way. You just won’t find it out there.

 8.  The funded account sounds to good to be true.  What's the catch?

Yeah, you're right.  The funded account does sound too good to be true but, in this case it is.  We share the details in full during Class 4 of the course.  The catch is you have to work to get funded.  It's your final exam which you have to pay to enter just like any college entrance exam or application. 

If you can get pass that fact know that when using Funding Partner money, when you win a trade you make money. If you lose a trade the money you lose is not coming out of your pocket.  You only risk your entrance fee if you don't follow the guidelines (explained more thoroughly in Class 4).  

We believe in transparency and will not mislead the facts to trick you just so you can buy our course.  Compare our course with other training programs.  You will find no other model like it and we provide the best value because we teach you a strategy that works and not just feed you information.  We believe so much in our strategy that we're confident you'll get funded.

 9.  Do I need to pay the entrance fee for my final exam right away?

You will ONLY pay the entrance exam fee when you believe you are ready. It can take you a few weeks, months, and in rare cases, years. We will not push you to do take the exam prematurely.  Matter-a-fact, we urge every student to be realistic about their skill.  If you're not consistently winning 90% of your trades in simulation, we would advise against taking the final exam because if you don't pass the challenge, you will lose the entrance fee.  When you do pass the challenge our Funding Partner will, however, reimburse your entrance fee.  

You may want to rush through their training to get to the $250,000 funded account but, only you will know when you're truly ready to trade live.

 10.  If I pay for the course and change my mind, can I get my money back?

Yes. Yes. Yes.  We have a 100% Money Back Guarantee on all purchases. You’ll get 14 days to dive into the course content. If you decide it's not for you, you can request a refund by emailing Refunds@TradeWallet.ai. We'll return all of your money, no questions asked.

 11.  Why do most traders fail? 

In short, most traders fail because they lack patience. To succeed at trading, you must understand the language of price action. It moves a certain way. Each instrument you trade has its own personality. You have to understand what that instrument is telling you and get ahead of the move before it happens. This is a skill most traders don’t have the patience to master. In our module, Trading Psychology, we teach you techniques that will help you overcome certain emotions like lack of patience when you trade. It’s a real thing and without question, you must master it.

 12.  I want to take the course but can’t afford it. What are my alternatives?

Even if you work for minimum wage, you’ll be able to afford this course if you follow a few simple tips:

  • You can save up the $2400 little by little. Set up a savings account only for your trading goals. Commit to putting a small portion away every time you get paid. It will be an amazing feeling for your self-esteem to accomplish this goal because you worked for it.

  • You can ask friends or family members to donate to your cause or partner with you. You guys can all pitch in to take the course together. Not to mention it's great to have moral support on your trade journey. Your partner(s) can hold you accountable for doing what is right.

  • Use your tax refunds. Many people spend their tax refunds on frivolous things that have no ROI (Return On Investment). Instead, invest in your training. It’’ll pay back bigger than that leather jacket ever could.

  • Have a yard sale. Get rid of your old things and build momentum for that savings account.

  • Do temp work. There are a ton of apps nowadays that will pay you to complete menial tasks for other people like delivering their groceries or cleaning their houses.

If you really want to become a day trader and get out from under the ball and chain of your slave job, to live a laptop lifestyle, where you work when you want, from anywhere you are, it's a real commitment. You'll find a way.

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